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Preventing Severe Disruptions in Vehicle Data Flow – Get the Whitepaper

Data security failures have become a paramount challenge for the automotive industry to address, with the CDK ransomware attack over the summer highlighting the far-reaching financial and reputational consequences of suffering a critical breach. According to threat intelligence provider SOCRadar, automotive businesses will continue to be an appealing target for cybercrime, because of the vulnerabilities inherent in necessary interconnectivity.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Operations, API

API-based Vehicle Data Feeds Solve OEM-created VIN Complications.

No manufacturing process is perfect, an obvious fact that the automotive industry knows too well, with nearly 900  recalls affecting over  34 million cars alone in 2023. No part of a car, truck, or trailer is immune from an error, and that includes the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). 

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Topics: Support, Automotive Data, API

Clear and Actionable Vehicle Data is Now Essential for Auto Insurers

Traditional risk models in the auto insurance space incorporate multiple data points, including vehicle details, the driver’s safety record, the vehicle’s geographic location, and that location’s associated weather patterns. While these factors may be weighed differently by each insurer’s model, the entire auto industry is now facing the reality that increased vehicle complexity will force a significant change to risk analysis. 

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Topics: Automotive Data, Insurance

4 Unexpected Uses for Vehicle Data and VIN Decoding

Vehicle data and VIN decoding solutions are widely used across the automotive industry and are the foundation for many businesses. Some of the more common use cases are basic vehicle identification (year, make, model, trim, etc.) or VIN explosion, as covered in the preceding article. However, there are some less obvious uses for vehicle data/VIN decoding that may come as a surprise to you, such as the following:

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Topics: Automotive Data, VIN, Vehicle Equipment

4 Popular Uses for Vehicle Data and VIN Decoding

There are countless ways in which vehicle data/VIN decoding can be leveraged within a business. And while each business’s use case(s) are different, there are common vehicle datasets that are needed to accomplish their goals.

In this article, we’ve covered some of the most common uses of vehicle data.

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Topics: Automotive Data, VIN, Vehicle Equipment

Squish, Stub, Pattern, Explosion: 25 Common VIN Data Terms Defined

VIN Decoding 101 Part 4: 25 common VIN terms defined

This blog has been updated since its original publish date in Dec 2011

Like almost every area of expertise, VIN Decoding has unique terminology associated with it.  If you haven't worked with a VIN decoder or VIN data in the past, many of these term's meanings may not be intuitive.  Below are the definitions of 25 common terms that you will likely come across as you work with automotive and VIN data.

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Topics: Automotive Data, VIN

VIN Decoding "Off-Road" Vehicles

This post has been republished with updates since its original publish date in April 2012

The NHTSA standard for VIN assignment is applied to all motorized vehicles, motorcycles, and trailers that travel on the roads, streets and highways of the US.  However, the NHTSA has no jurisdiction over recreational vehicles not intended to ever be driven on a street or highway.

These "off-road" recreational vehicles are hugely popular and account for millions of purchases and tens of millions of vehicles in use in the US every year. As a result, there is a need to decode and identify these vehicles for initial sales and marketing efforts, resale, registration, insurance, and taxation. 

Are these vehicles able to be VIN decoded using the same principles and decoders used for light-duty and passenger vehicles? The answer is a solid... maybe.

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Topics: Auto Portals, Automotive Data, Vehicle, VIN, Powersports

New Cars vs. Old Cars: A Diverse Auto Industry Requires Comprehensive Vehicle Data

Today’s automotive landscape is much different than 20 years ago, with the average life of a vehicle at a record high of 11.8 years. Automotive manufacturers across the board are building high-quality, longer-lasting vehicles, provided the owner keeps up with maintenance.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Parts & Services, Insurance, Dealers

Vehicle Weights & Capacities: What Do They Mean & Why Are They Important?

All the different vehicle weight terminology can be quite confusing. While some are more obvious than others, the shear mass of information can be daunting. This article was written to take the weight off your chest…

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Topics: Logistics, Automotive Data, VIN

4 Benefits of Service Customer Engagement Programs: Helping Improve Your Dealer's Fixed Ops

As a dealership vendor, it should come as no surprise that dealerships see the largest profit margins from their fixed operations department. In fact, you’ve probably had your hand in the creation of content around this topic on some level, whether it be a comprehensive study or articles on your blog.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Dealers, Service Data