Car Infotainment Systems to Consider in the Vehicle Shopping Process

Auto Technology: Infotainment Systems

Remember the days when an 8-track player in your car, or multi-disc changer (for the millennials), was the best thing since sliced bread? Today, if your car doesn't have an auxiliary port or Bluetooth capability it would be considered prehistoric. As smartphones have become more of a standard, a simple connecting cable doesn't quite cut it anymore. Infotainment systems (information and entertainment) are the new auto industry standard.

The bottom line is that cars supporting music entertainment needs, as well as readily available information through smartphone integration is essential for many vehicle shoppers. Unfortunately, choosing a vehicle with the perfect infotainment system is more complicated than it was with previous entertainment systems.    

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Topics: Mobile, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive Technology

Apple brings iOS to vehicle telematics with "iOS in the Car"

Yesterday at the Apple 2013 Worldwide Developers Conference (WDC), Apple announced the forthcoming iOS 7 along with a slew of new features (including a UI overhall).

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Topics: Auto Manufacturers, Automotive, Vehicle Equipment

The Key Role of an Accurate VIN Decoder in Online Insurance Quoting

Online quotes have revolutionized the world of car insurance, by providing multiple quotes, quickly, from different carriers. This has created an environment where consumers shop around for the lowest premium possible and may do so as frequently as once or twice a year. As a result, there is a consistent demand for online quoting, both from the insurers directly as well as from third party sites that provide quote comparison tools, and an increase in competition.

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Topics: Auto Portals, Automotive Data, Vehicle, VIN, Insurance, Auto Manufacturers

Suzuki Opts-Out of Making Vehicles for the US Automotive Market


After nearly three decades of production, Suzuki has announced its departure from the U.S. automotive market. Suzuki first began manufacturing automobiles for the U.S. market in 1985 and will stop selling automobiles once their current supply runs out. They will however continue to produce motorcycles, ATV’s, and watercraft here in the U.S.

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Topics: Support, Auto Portals, Automotive Data, Vehicle, Marketing, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive, Dealers

Driving: don't touch that phone, but.. I'll take a double espresso


Since 2006, California has maintained legislature to ban driving and texting. The penalties for being caught texting or otherwise touching or using your phone while driving are steep. 

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Topics: Vehicle, VIN, Safety, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive

Gen Y (18-34) / younger drivers - driving on the decrease?

We came across this interesting article on CarConnection today, referencing a study done by the Frontier Group that was surprizing to say the least. Younger folks driving less.. a lot less? Several possibilities for this are discussed including results from polls by concerned automakers. General consensus is that driving cuts into texting and social media time vs more lifestyle friendly public transportation. The Frontier Group study makes an interesting case with a focus on data for transportation policies. Download the Frontier Group study here

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Topics: Logistics, Mobile, Marketing, Safety, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive

Three Tips to Enhance Vehicle Marketing

As technology, solutions and inventory processes continue to evolve, automotive marketing companies face some interesting challenges when it comes to vehicle marketing. With so many classified sites representing dealer inventory locally, regionally and nationally – it can be difficult to “rise above the rest”. This is also (maybe especially) a challenge with Franchised automotive dealer websites which represent an auto dealers inventory direct.

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Topics: Auto Portals, Automotive Data, Marketing, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive

GM's OnStar offers proprietary API to Developers

Developers will receive access to Manufacturer General Motor's OnStar API which is called ATOMS (advanced telematics operating system) sometime in the first half of 2012. OnStar president Linda Marshall described the consumer benefits in terms of functionality comparable to computers, smartphones and tablets as a response to the growth in the mobile applications market for Android and iOS platforms.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive, Vehicle Equipment

10 Vehicle Details You Should Expect from a VIN Decoder

It is not uncommon for some of the people that express interest in our VIN data to have little experience with automotive data in the past. They may be new to the company/position or they may be looking to apply an existing business model in a new way that requires a VIN decoder or vehicle data. Many times these people are not quite sure what to expect to get in return from decoding 17-digit VINs. Below is a list of 10 things that you can expect to be returned when decoding US passenger and light-duty vehicle identification numbers.

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Topics: Logistics, Automotive Data, Vehicle, VIN, Auto Manufacturers, Vehicle Equipment

What can you actually decode from a VIN number?

Automotive VIN Data Primer

As a data company we come across many variations on needs from our Clients for VIN decoding. In the marketing segment, the term is used very loosely to describe data collections with a tremendous amount of information that can be queried by VIN.. but what is VIN decoding really?

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Topics: Automotive Data, VIN, Auto Manufacturers