10 Auto Blog Articles We Thought You'd Enjoy! Part 2

It's been a couple of months since we last put together a list of ten awesome auto industry blog articles. Since then, there have been plenty more share-worthy blogs to sift through!

Similar to part one, the blogs we've shared below are from all different segments of the auto industry, providing value for several auto niches. Topics range from vehicle maintenance and safety to best practices for marketing your automotive business to both B2B and B2C.

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Topics: Mobile, Marketing, VIN, Insurance, Automotive Technology, Vehicle Equipment

10 Auto Blog Articles We Thought You'd Enjoy! (Part 1)

Blogging has become an important part of traffic generation and brand awareness for any type of business and has indeed reached its way to the automotive world. Since the vehicle data and VIN decoding solutions we provide are vital to all segments of the auto industry, we come across quite a variety of auto blogs.

Though the blogs we've shared below are not exclusive to one auto niche (auto listing sites, dealer solution providers, auto insurance, etc.), we still thought each one of these articles would provide some level of value or interest industry-wide.

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Topics: Mobile, VIN, Insurance, Automotive Technology, Vehicle Equipment

Why Motorcycle VIN Decoding is So Important to Insurance Companies

Motorcycles offer a great deal of joy and freedom for their riders. However, riding a motorcycle carries with it risks, so most serious riders desire good insurance coverage. For convenience and the best policy rates, many riders go online for quotes on motorcycle insurance. There is plenty of competition out there among websites offering these types of quotes. If your company provides motorcycle insurance quotes, you need a way to stand out from the crowd.

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Topics: VIN, Safety, Insurance

The Key Role of an Accurate VIN Decoder in Online Insurance Quoting

Online quotes have revolutionized the world of car insurance, by providing multiple quotes, quickly, from different carriers. This has created an environment where consumers shop around for the lowest premium possible and may do so as frequently as once or twice a year. As a result, there is a consistent demand for online quoting, both from the insurers directly as well as from third party sites that provide quote comparison tools, and an increase in competition.

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Topics: Auto Portals, Automotive Data, Vehicle, VIN, Insurance, Auto Manufacturers

Horse branding and VIN cloning: Why thieves steal vehicles identities

One day many, many years ago someone got the idea to jump on the back of a horse and ride it rather then walk everywhere they needed to go.  Not long after, someone else got the idea that they too would like to ride rather then walk.  However, they decided that they would rather steal a horse then pay for their own.  From that moment forward, while what we are ride has changed from horses, to wagons to motorized vehicles, one thing has remained constant:  A small group of people have been motivated to steal peoples rides, while owners have been motivated to find ways to protect their investment.

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Topics: Insurance