Driving: don't touch that phone, but.. I'll take a double espresso


Since 2006, California has maintained legislature to ban driving and texting. The penalties for being caught texting or otherwise touching or using your phone while driving are steep. 

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Topics: Vehicle, VIN, Safety, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive

Gen Y (18-34) / younger drivers - driving on the decrease?

We came across this interesting article on CarConnection today, referencing a study done by the Frontier Group that was surprizing to say the least. Younger folks driving less.. a lot less? Several possibilities for this are discussed including results from polls by concerned automakers. General consensus is that driving cuts into texting and social media time vs more lifestyle friendly public transportation. The Frontier Group study makes an interesting case with a focus on data for transportation policies. Download the Frontier Group study here

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Topics: Logistics, Mobile, Marketing, Safety, Auto Manufacturers, Automotive

NHSTA to Test Safety Benefits of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Data Sharing

NHSTA to Deploy Fleet of 2800 V2V-Ready Vehicles This Summer.

Most new vehicle technologies, including even safety features, are introduced as premium options on luxury vehicles.  In the case of safety features these gradually become available to lower priced vehicle segments as it becomes more mainstream.  However, the exception to this rule happens when regulations are put in place that require new technology be installed on new vehicles from a certain date forward.  Based on the NHTSA’s interest in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) technology and possible safety benefits it may become one of those exceptions before too long.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Safety

How to use DMS Data to Improve VIN Decoding

As we explained in our article "VIN-to-Trim/Style Matching Explained", VINs often are not encoded with enough information to determine a single vehicle style. This means that important details such as MSRP, MPG, and certain standard installed equipment may not known based on the VIN alone. If you're working with DMS data, there's a good chance that you have additional, valuable data at your disposal that you can use along with the VIN to decode down to a single vehicle style.

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Topics: Automotive Data, VIN

Mobile Is Not the Next Big Thing for Dealers

I was reading an interesting article on-line today about Apple's sales in 2011.  It noted that Mac sales are rising fast and that 2011 was the best year ever for Mac sales.  "Somewhat interesting, I guess", you say.  But hear is the interesting part: In 2011 alone Apple sold more iOS devices then it has sold Macs over their 28 year existence. Granted Macs have not been the most popular computer over the years but the fact that iOS devices outsold 28 years of the Mac in a single year is pretty remarkable.  It is just further evidence that mobile is not the next big thing, it has become the current big thing and only is continuing to grow.

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Topics: Mobile

Google 2011 consumer research study

We found an interesting study this morning published by Google which describes consumer automotive shopping behavior in 2011. Some highlights below here as well as a link to Google direct for the full presentation.

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Topics: Auto Portals, Fuel Economy, Automotive Data, Vehicle, Marketing, Safety, Vehicle Equipment, Dealers

DataOne at NADA 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada

NADA 2012 this year was in one of my favorite cities out of the four city rotation - Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas is an exciting city to visit under any circumstances and this excitement and energy definitely carries over into the expo. While talking with an old friend in the lobby - we were both surprized as music suddenly blared over the PA system and to my further surprize a flash mob organized in the middle of several hundred folks in the lobby into a line dance. Only in Las Vegas.

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Topics: Automotive Data, Vehicle, Marketing, Dealers, NADA Conference, Conferences

Decoding Vehicles to a Single Trim/Style: VIN-to-Trim/Style Matching Explained

US and Canadian VINS are required to contain a certain level of information about the vehicle, including year, make, model, body style, engine, restraint system, and GVWR. However, a lot of important vehicle details are encoded in the VIN by some OEMs, and not by others. Working with VIN data can be tricky business when they're used in different ways by the 40+ US passenger vehicle makes. This article explains a few key concepts related to VIN decoding and something called style matching, that are critical to working with VIN data successfully.

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Topics: VIN

Does Your Vehicle Really Need That Spare Tire?

Oftentimes we don't look for the spare tire in our vehicles until we are on the side of the road with a flat tire.  Once in that situation you may be checking frantically for it.  You check the trunk or rear cargo area, under the rear of the vehicle but it is nowhere to be found.  It may be that you are one of many consumers that have purchased a vehicle without a spare tire. AAA has noticed the growing trend of vehicles without spare tires and reports the trend is likely to continue in a recent article online

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Topics: Safety

Death of the Manual Transmission Leaves a Void

In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer vehicles offered with a manual transmission.  Automotive News recently stated in an article that only 5-7% of new vehicles sold in the US have a manual transmission.  This has resulted in more VIN decodes being transmission specific, which is a nice benefit to those of us doing VIN decoding.  However, the manual transmission will be missed by both me personally and by dealers everywhere.

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