Last month, Jake Maki, our Vice President & General Manager, joined DealerRefresh for their weekly RefreshFriday Facebook Live stream to provide some insight into some of the key challenges vendors face when working with vehicle data. Learn why vehicle data is so complex and how DataOne works to make it more consumable for our end users.
Read MoreNov 26 2019
Aug 27 2019
Content marketing has proven to be an effective marketing strategy across many industries, including the auto industry. In the automotive retail space, content marketing is a great way to connect potential vehicle buyers with valuable content that answers their questions and builds trust with your dealership, or your allied business.
Read MoreTopics: Automotive Data, Automotive Content, Vehicle Shopping
May 7 2019
A couple of months ago we published a blog round up article on SEO tips and tricks for dealerships and thought it would be helpful to follow up with another roundup for paid advertising. Your dealership is likely already doing some paid advertising, whether through search engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, classified listings, or even social media sponsored content.
Read MoreApr 30 2019
Volvo made a big announcement in the summer of 2017 that every vehicle they manufacture in 2019 would have an electric motor, marking the end of cars they produce with only an internal combustion engine. Though they did not meet this goal, they are still making a big push towards electric vehicles with their “electrification” movement.
Read MoreTopics: Electric Vehicles
Mar 5 2019
You’re probably familiar with search engine optimization (SEO). Chances are that you’ve hired an automotive marketing agency or website provider to optimize your dealership’s website at one point or another. You may even have a large enough team to develop and execute an SEO strategy in-house.
Read MoreNov 13 2018
In comparison to passenger vehicles with currently 40 manufacturers, trailers are made by hundreds of manufacturers in North America and each has numerous configurations. Commercial VIN decoding solutions for trailers are rare because of the effort required to obtain this data as well as the differences in how the VIN is used. However, they do exist!
Read MoreOct 30 2018
We live in an age where everything is on demand. Binge watching your favorite TV shows when and where you want, ordering almost any product online and having it delivered on your doorstep within 48 hours, and arranging for transportation to arrive within 5-10 mins from the palm of your hand are all daily occurrences around the country. More and more on-demand business models are created to support this convenient and instantaneous lifestyle our society has become accustomed to.
Read MoreTopics: Automotive Technology
Jun 21 2018
In an industry based on accurately assessing and rating risk to maximize profitability, it’s essential that insurance carriers are able to correctly identify each vehicle they insure. This can be a challenging task to accomplish without leveraging a comprehensive vehicle data solution, especially as vehicles continue to advance.
Read MoreMay 21 2018
The handling of auto insurance claims has continued to improve from a consumer perspective, with relatively simple steps that can be completed predominantly online or through mobile applications. Many insurance providers, such as yourselves, have done an excellent job building out resources to help walk consumers, both policyholders and claimants, through each step for submitting a claim as well as educating the consumer in regard to expectations following a claim submission.
Read MoreTopics: Insurance
May 8 2018
Another article on digital retailing? In prior blog posts, we’ve discussed how the modern consumer shops for a vehicle, which research tools are most valuable, and how dealers can win over these consumers during the online shopping process. It only makes sense now, to cover one of the most talked-about subjects in the auto industry, digital retailing.
Read MoreTopics: Vehicle Shopping